Saturday, June 11, 2011

Baby Cody

The Mattson family has a new addition – Cody was 11 weeks at the time we got together to capture a few memories. His brother and sister sure love little Cody and get along well with each other too!

Brandon Senior Shots

Congratulations to Brandon – a graduating member of the class of 2011!!! A lot of proud family and friends.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

The Hill Family -- together for the Holidays!

The Hills were excited to get together for the Holidays. With children getting back home from all over, it was a good time to gather at one of their favorite places -- Point Defiance. It was a good day -- the clouds were nice and held tight, the sun came through enough to prove it was "some-where out there" and everyone smiled and enjoyed each-others company.

Just another day!!!

So I'm on my way back to my to the office from Bainbridge Island . . .
I am so glad I thought to take my camera that day -- it was so beautiful. There are no words . . .

Derreck & Jessica

Derreck and Jessica were sealed in the Seattle Temple in November.
It was a little cold that day, but no one could have known by looking at Derreck or Jessica -- they were shinning.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

The Corey's

We have known the Corey's forever. What a talented family. It would have been fun to get them with all their music instruments. I could could just imagine a baby grand balancing there on one of the fountain blocks!!!

Some one's getting married!!!

Derreck and Jessica will be sealed for time and all eternity in the Seattle Temple in November. They will have their little Devin sealed to them at that time too! I will get to be there to witness the special occasion, and take picture afterwards too. I will post those photos later!